Mildly horrifying Bunny Day returns in Animal Crossing: New Horizons, and fans are already eggsasperated

Animal Crossing, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Entertainment, Gaming, LGBTQ, nintendo switch

Please, make it stop. (Twitter: angiecrosssing)

It’s Easter this weekend, and for Animal Crossing fans that means the dreaded return of Bunny Day.

For those who aren’t aware, the Nintendo Switch life sim runs in real time to reflect real-world holidays. Bunny Day is the cute, secular equivalent of Easter that sees the adorable yet somehow horrifying bunny Zipper infiltrating your island.

And as Easter is all about eggs, your island becomes infested with coloured eggs. They’re in the trees, the water – even flying in on balloons. The eggs can be collected and used to craft a variety of Easter-themed items and furniture. 

Yet when Bunny Day hit in 2020, frustrated fans complained in their droves about the eggstravaganza. Mainly, the fact that the eggs were so over-abundant Nintendo were forced to amend the event in an update to reduce the spawn rate of the spherical nuisances .

The criticism was only eggsacerbated (sorry, we can’t stop) by the timing of the event, which came soon after the game first released. With gamers in the early stages of the game requiring access to various resources to get started, a plague of eggs was exactly what they didn’t need.

Now Bunny Day has returned for 2021 in a similar guise, but thankfully Nintendo have made some tweaks.

For starters, the event has been shortened to only a week so there’s less time for the egg takeover. There are also brand-new items to collect this year, available to purchase from the Nook’s Cranny store rather than crafting. These include adorable Bunny Day Candy and Topiary.

Still, the changes haven’t stopped the memes from flooding in. Memories of last year’s eggshausting event linger on and fans aren’t best pleased about the prospect of a repeat performance.

Even Zipper himself seems tired of this s**t. With the amount of jumping around getting way too eggscited about eggs, we don’t blame him.

Still, once Bunny Day is over, the good news is we get to enjoy cherry blossom season – the most beautiful time of the year for Animal Crossing players.

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