
Lisa Nandy speaking at a hustings event for Labour Leader on February 16, 2020 in London, England. (Hollie Adams/Getty Images) British opposition party leader hopeful Lisa Nandy said she was given a “pause for thought” while signing a pledge card from the Labour Campaign for Trans Rights. The 12-point pledge by the independent campaign group
Non-binary poet Gray Crosbie performed their spoken word poem for BBC Scotland’s The Social. (BBC Scotland) Piers Morgan has claimed the BBC is “pumping out gender nonsense” for giving a platform to a non-binary poet speaking out about the struggles of getting a simple haircut. The difficulties LGBT+ people face receiving gender-affirming services like haircuts
Leicestershire Police’s trans flag provoked a storm of criticism (Twitter/@LeicsPoliceLGBT) Leicestershire Police have faced harsh criticism for flying a trans Pride flag outside its headquarters to celebrate LGBT+ History Month. The force’s LGBT+ network Twitter account tweeted a picture of the transgender flag flying outside the headquarters in Enderby on February 16. “A miserable day
The Catholic Church has explained its position on trans rights – and it’s singing from a very old, very homophobic hymn book. (Michael Campanella/Getty Images) The Catholic Church has vowed to defeat gender recognition reform in Scotland to reassert the “natural instinct” of marriage between one man and one woman. The church restated its long-standing
Lisa Nandy speaking at a hustings event for Labour Leader on February 16, 2020 in London, England. (Hollie Adams/Getty Images) Labour leadership hopeful Lisa Nandy has dismissed claims that she’s anti-gay as “daft and offensive”, pointing to her record of supporting LGBT+ rights. This includes her signing, this week, 12 pledges in support of transgender