New Etsy Christmas ad stars gay Black couple visiting family for the holidays. No, we’re not crying, you’re crying

advertisement, Christmas, Entertainment, Etsy, Film and TV, Gay, LGBTQ

An adorable Black gay couple were featured in a new Etsy ad. (Screen captures via YouTube)

In a brief break from the US presidential election, we bring you an aggressively adorable advertisement about a Black gay couple attending a Christmas celebration with their family.

Online marketplace Esty dropped the ad last week on YouTube as part of its “Gift Like You Mean It” campaign, which is all about trading in the stress of shopping for love and acceptance.

It sees Brandon and Davis come home for the holidays to meet one of the men’s relatives.

“Don’t worry, they’re going to love you,” one of the pair says as they shiver outside the doorstep.

The door swings open and they’re both welcomed with open arms. Shuffling their shoes off, they take a seat at the dinner table with the glow of Christmas lights and laughter of family nearby.

And in a touching moment that, yes, we cried at, an older relative says to the man’s partner as presents are being handed out: “We didn’t forget about you.

“Welcome to the family,” he says as he hands them an ornament embroidered with their faces and names which is then played by them on a tree alongside similar handmaid ornaments.

Etsy Christmas ad featuring adorable Black gay couple has Twitter in tears.

The ad soon went viral on Twitter, melting the hearts of thousands of users and prompting many to tell their own stories of welcoming their partners to family Christmas get-togethers.

Considering that the ad is a heartwarming portrayal of a queer couple, it will no doubt soon be picketed by One Million Moms – the religious lobbying group currently duelling with a cookie brand.

Indeed, the group last month threatened to boycott Oreo over an advert that showed queer children in a loving home.

Giving us real “Won’t somebody please think of the children!” energy, lead Monica Cole condemned Oreo for “brainwashing children and adults” by featuring a woman bringing her girlfriend to meet her parents.

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