Dynasty Season 3 Episode 14 Review: That Wicked Stepmother

Dynasty, Reviews, Television

Liam and Fallon had quite an eventful re-engagement party on Dynasty Season 3 Episode 14.

What was supposed to be one of the happiest days of their lives was ruined by an explosion, a sex tape leak (a la Keeping Up With the Kardashians), and the unanticipated arrival of Liam’s 10-year-old estranged son, Connor, and his baby momma, Heidi. 

Yeah, it’s safe to say Liam has a lot on his plate right now. 

Connor’s arrival puts the couple in a very interesting predicament because they aren’t in a place where they want to have kids right now. 

It didn’t make sense that Liam was so eager to get to know his son and was so excited to be a father when just a few episodes prior, he made it very clear that he did not want children.

It was equally as jarring that Fallon was so opposed to Connor (even though he was sprung on her while she was in latex lingerie) since she was the one who could see kids in their future together. 

Oh, Okay. Well this isn’t exactly what I meant when I said “spice things up,” but okay, let’s do it.


The roles seemed reversed with Liam embracing the role of “daddy” (and not in a cute, millennial way) while Fallon tried her best to get Connor and Heidi out of the picture. 

Thankfully, when they both had an honest conversation, they seemed to be on the same page: Liam’s actions were just reactions to a stressful situation, and Fallon was fine with it being just the two of them for now. 

And it makes sense. They’ve had a tumultuous relationship and are just getting their relationship back on the right track; they’re planning a wedding, starting their lives together (again) on the right foot, and hoping to build successful empires. 

Which is exactly why the audience should have expected that Connor would end up their responsibility by the end of the evening.

As Fallon predicted, Heidi had selfish reasons for blowing into town. 

Fallon simply wasn’t right in guessing what they were. 

Fallon: Liam doesn’t have to be a father just because he “suddenly has a son.”
Sammy: Isn’t that the exact definition of fatherhood?

Heidi didn’t want Liam’s money — she wanted to dump her child on him and get a fresh start. 

While there are some pretty terrible mother’s on this series, Heidi takes the cake. 

We have Alexis, who abandoned her children and then came back and pretended like nothing ever happened, and we have Dominique, who slept with her daughter’s boyfriend so that she could “advance her career.”

Yeah, like I said, terrible mothers. 

And still, Heidi earns the award of the worst mother of the year for quite literally leaving her young child at Liam’s door during his engagement party.

Not only that, but it’s a child that Liam didn’t want and thought was given up for adoption. 

She sprang all this responsibility on him without any notice. It’s as if she blamed him for her own decision to walk back on the adoption plan. 

How are Liam and Fallon going to handle this curveball? Will Connor even get along with Fallon? Or will he drive a wedge between them?

A part of me is excited to see Fallon navigate motherhood with a child who is vying for his father’s attention as much as she is, but how long can this last?

I hate to be this girl, but sometimes, children really hinder plotlines, and this seems to be one of those times. 

Fallon and Liam have too much working for them to fall into a parenting lull. 

And surely, they have enough money to find Heidi, right?

I briefly speculated that Heidi was going to be wrongfully attacked in the black SUV swap.

All signs were pointing to Beto outfitting the wrong car with the bomb and Alexis surviving while someone else, likely an innocent bystander like Heidi, getting blown up. 

While that didn’t happen, and Beto was the one injured, I think it would have made for a more compelling storyline. 

Cristal is incredibly lucky that her brother didn’t die carrying out her mission because she would have never forgiven herself. 

She should have accepted that Alexis wouldn’t show up to the engagement party as a sign that maybe she should let this vendetta go. 

Even Fallon proved that it’s possible Alexis is turning over a new leaf.

Cristal’s need for vengeance almost got her brother killed and proves just how dangerous the end goal is.

Blake may have been protecting Alexis’ this whole time, but considering what she pulled with Adam and Jeff Colby, he might be trying to find a hitman to take her out pretty soon. 

It’s exciting that the series is getting back to its core — feuds over a business empire. 

Blake wanted to dig up some dirt so he could secure the purchase of Carrington Atlantic before Jeff Colby got his hands on it. 

He reached out to Adam to do his dirty work and get him the ammunition he needed, but all that proved is that he didn’t really understand Adam in the first place. 

Adam has always wanted his father’s love and admiration until Blake turned his back on him, belittled him, and kicked him out of the Manor. 

At that point, Adam realized Blake will never choose him. He almost got sucked back in with Blake’s kind words until Alexis reminded him that Blake would turn on him the moment he didn’t need him anymore. 

And she wasn’t wrong; Blake’s an opportunist. 

And lately, he’s been alienating the people who could help him rebuild his empire. 

Heidi: Who rents a child?
Fallon: People do it, okay? It happens.

Oh, Blake, haven’t you ever heard the saying “keep your friends close, keep your enemies closer?”

While Adam, Alexis, and Colby were never my favorite characters, when they band together, they do kind of make up a dream team. 

No one has ever been able to beat Blake at his own game until now. It took three people who constantly became Blake’s victims to learn how to play and use it to their advantage. 

It’s unclear how long they’ll hold the reigns at CA before Blake swoops in, but it’s a victory I’m more than happy to celebrate for now. 

The messiest storyline had to be Dominique, Vanessa, and Culhane. 

Just when you think Dominique can’t stoop lower, she proves you wrong. 

Dominique is so thirsty about becoming famous and snagging a reality show in hopes of propelling Vanessa’s career that she leaked her own sex tape with her daughter’s boyfriend to gauge interest from the networks. 

While I wanted Vanessa to cut ties with her toxic mother after she pulled her little stunt, Vanessa, who always seemed normal, agreed to play along once she heard her mom successfully sold the show. 

Vanessa was such a promising character because she stood against everything Dominique was and wanted for her, but no sane woman would agree to work with her mother after seeing the levels of manipulation.

Also, a mother who will sleep with your boyfriend and show no remorse should never be trusted. 

In Dominique’s world, it was just a means to an end. Gross. 

Good luck to Culhane since he’s stuck with two unhinged ladies now. 

And that being said, will Culhane ever get a storyline where he doesn’t look pathetic and as if he’s playing second fiddle to what’s going on? 

It’s getting old watching him get made a fool of every time. 

Other Thoughts 

  • I loved that Sammy gave Fallon some great advice about Connor needing his father more than she needs a fiance. 
  • We never see Fallon let loose and have fun, but that’s exactly what she did while playing games with Liam and Connor (in couture, of course). Maybe having Connor around will bring some fun into their lives? They did make a cute family! 

What did you think of the episode?

Are you finding the storylines inspired or do you think they fall flat in terms of drama compared to the original?

Be sure to watch Dynasty online to catch up on episodes and comment below! 

Lizzy Buczak is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and read her personal blog at CraveYouTV.

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