viktor orban

Viktor Orbán speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the WWI Trianon-memorial (Attila Kisbenedeck/AFP/Getty) Hungarian prime minister Viktor Orbán has used an event commemorating the end of WWI as an opportunity to launch yet another barb at LGBT+ people. The far-right leader made the comments at a national event to inaugurate a monument commemorating the Treaty
Hungarian trans couple Tamara Csillag and Elvira Angyal. (Tamara Csillag/ Facebook) A Hungarian trans couple have described their life in limbo, after the country’s government passed a cruel and devastating law to legally erase them. Evaluations of Hungarian trans people’s applications to have their gender or name changed have been withheld since 2018, a ban
Merritt Corrigan. (WPA Intelligence/ Twitter) A new member of Donald Trump’s administration previously said that America is in the clutches of a “homo-empire” that pushes a “tyrannical LGBT+agenda”. Merritt Corrigan was recently appointed by Trump as deputy White House liaison at the US Agency for International Development (USAID), America’s foreign aid agency. The new Trump