
For a textbook sitcom, Night Court Season 1 Episode 9 is practically Shakespearean in its savagely dramatic irony and role reversals. Guest star Stephnie Weir chews up the scenery as the surgically precise podcast journalist, Remecca, whose plan to expose the dirty secrets of our good-hearted — if curmudgeonly narcissistic — public defender nearly succeeds.
Few shows have been as relatable to our everyday experience as the American version of The Office when it debuted in 2005 on NBC. Over the years, characters were flanderized and toned down in keeping with network notes.  But not Jim. The prank-loving protagonist with a hole in his heart for the cute receptionist represented the ideal
La Brea’s Season 2 finale left us with even more questions. Thankfully, the series has been renewed for Season 3, or viewers would be left hanging. On La Brea Season 2 Episode 13, the Harrises found another portal in 10,000 BC, but dangers awaited them. Eve and Izzy time-traveled on  La Brea Season 2 Episode
One of HBO’s most popular series is closing in on its endgame. Succession creator Jesse Armstrong revealed some shocking news on Thursday: Succession will end with its upcoming fourth season. “You know, there’s a promise in the title of Succession,” Armstrong said in an interview with the New Yorker. “I’ve never thought this could go