Brittney Griner will serve nine years in a Russian penal colony. ( KIRILL KUDRYAVTSEV/AFP via Getty Images) Lawyers for Brittney Griner have filed an appeal against her daunting nine-year prison sentence in a Russian penal colony. The queer US basketball, 31, was arrested in February at an airport near Moscow after cannabis-infused cartridges were found in
brittney griner
Brittney Griner faces nearly a decade in jail. (The Washington Post via Getty Images) US secretary of state Antony Blinken says he has cranked up the pressure on Russia for a potential prisoner swap involving American basketball star Brittney Griner. During a news conference in Washington Friday (29 July), Blinken said he had a “frank
Joe Biden is seeking to free Viktor Bout (L) to ensure Brittney Griner’s freedom. (Getty Images) The Joe Biden administration has offered to exchange convicted Russian arms dealer Viktor Bout as part of a deal to release detained basketball star, Brittney Griner. Queer WNBA star Griner is on trial for drug charges that could land