[Watch] Dimfrost Studio Releases First Gameplay Trailer For Nordic-Inspired Horror Title ‘Bramble: The Mountain King’


After giving fans a treat last month with the concept art for their upcoming horror adventure title Bramble: The Mountain King, developer Dimfrost Studio has released a new trailer showcasing the title’s gameplay. The trailer shows off some of the gameplay mechanics, including the game’s combat, stealth, as well as the environmental puzzles you’ll encounter.

In a press release, Dimfrost Studio CEO Fredrik Sellden stated that the team’s goal for Bramble was to “create a living and strange world filled with mysterious and mythical creatures” that seek to either help or hinder you. “They will not only be a passive part of the world but also an active part of your journey. Some of them will help you, some of them need your help, and some of them just want to eat you! They live in this world and players will interact with their everyday lives. Our gameplay and storytelling will support that feeling.”

Bramble: The Mountain King is expected for release on console and PC via Steam in 2022.

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