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Troy Duffy‘s The Boondock Saints spawned a sequel in 2009 titled The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day, and over ten years after that film we’ve learned another one is on the way.

Norman Reedus and Sean Patrick Flanery will again play Murphy and Connor MacManus in The Boondock Saints III, a brand new feature film coming soon, Deadline reports.

Duffy is returning to write and direct, with Reedus and Flanery helping with the script. Shaun Redick (Get Out, BlacKkKlansman), Yvette Yates Redick, and Don Carmody will produce.

Reedus and Flanery are executive producing.

“The fans have loved these characters for 20 years,” Duffy said in a statement. “They use terms of endearment like ‘the Brothers’ or ‘the Boys.’ We left them in jail at the end of Boondock 2 and fans want to know what happened to them. Norman and Sean have been a driving force to keep this franchise on track and break some new ground story-wise. The fans have been waiting. They literally ask about it daily, and I am really excited to be working with Impossible Dream [Entertainment] to make Boondock III a reality.”

He continues, “Where we’re going is, the brothers are older. They are coming out into a brand new world that is not like the one they left. They are at odds. One wants to continue, the other doesn’t. There’s a new enemy out there, not like the traditional ones they’ve faced.”

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