Inside TikTok Superstar Tayler Holder’s Seamless Transition to Music Sensation

Celebrity News, News

E! News: So when you got on TikTok, was music always kind of the goal?

TH: Yeah, yeah. So I actually was doing music before I got on TikTok.  TikTok just happened to take off tremendously and just blew up out of nowhere. And I just rode with that for a while. I was working on music behind the scenes and I would tease a little bit, that I’m going to drop some stuff. But, you know, I took a while [and] really, really figured out what music I want to make and my sound. [I’m] finally putting stuff out and I don’t think there was any more perfect timing than now.

E! News:  So what was it that made you realize that now was the right time to start releasing your material? Was there something that led you to believe, OK, now is the moment?

TH: Over the last year, year and a half, whenever I started popping, I was like, OK, I’m on the thing. I got it. I got to put it out now because I’m getting so much attention. Right? And I had an amazing team around me that was telling me, ‘Just trust me, just trust the process. Let’s put a good plan behind it, a good, good team behind it.’ We got a really, really amazing team behind us and then a good release plan. Everything with the first song that was really released, and with my new song as well, it went so amazing, so smoothly and I’m so happy for it.

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