The new CBS series “Clarice” is set in 1993, a year after the events of The Silence of the Lambs. The series is a deep dive into the untold personal story of Clarice Starling (Rebecca Breeds), as she returns to the field to pursue serial murderers and sexual predators while navigating the high stakes political world of Washington, D.C.
A future investigation takes a dark turn as Clarice ends up back in the infamous well from The Silence of the Lambs where Buffalo Bill was holding young girls captive.
Bloody Disgusting has your first look at the fifth episode, “Get Right with God”, in which Starling’s investigation of the River Murders case leads her into the clutches of a(nother) psychopath.
In the episode, airing March 11 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on CBS, “Clarice is drugged and confined to a hospital bed by a serial killer in the medical profession. With her team unaware of her location, Clarice endures physical torture and is dosed with drugs that cause her to experience intense hallucinations.”