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Paramount Pictures pumped out the Paranormal Activity sequels, producing and releasing five in just six years. After the promise that 2015’s Paranormal Activity: The Ghost Dimension would be the final entry in the franchise, Bloody Disgusting told you a remake was on the horizon. It took longer than expected, but is coming to Paramount+ sometime next year. In fact, it’s allegedly already finished.

“The movie’s done,” Blumhouse founder and producer Jason Blum reveals to Collider. “Yeah, we did it.”

The presumed reboot is directed by William Eubank, the filmmaker behind The Signal and the criminally underrated Underwater, the latter of which felt like it could have easily been found-footage.

But why did they come back to Paranormal Activity after calling it quits?

“Paramount wanted to continue Paranormal Activity, I probably would have left it alone,” adds Blum. “So they wanted to continue it, but I thought if they were gonna continue it, you gotta – it was tired, there was no way to continue the road that we’d been down.

“So I really encouraged all the creative people involved to think of something new. A lot of people who are going to go see the new Paranormal Activity were 3 years old when the first Paranormal Activity came out, so they don’t even know from those older movies. I thought if you were going to re-do it, you better really re-do it, not try and expand what we did all those years ago.”

In regards to creative people, they went directly to Christopher Landon, who not only penned Paranormal Activity 2-5, but also directed Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones, not to mention Happy Death Day and Freaky for Blumhouse.

The movie had been dated for release on March 4, 2022, but it was subsequently pushed off the calendar. Personally, I’m predicting/expecting a surprise drop. October maybe?

The new movie has been recently described as “an unexpected retooling” of the franchise, reportedly continuing the tradition of taking a “found footage” approach.

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