Haunted PS1 Demo Disc 2021 Available Now, Includes 25 Demos


Well, that didn’t take long. After announcing last week that their 2021 edition of the demo disc would be released “later this month”, Haunted PS1 has delivered the goods. You can grab the demo disc for free from their itch.io site.

Here’s the complete list of demos available in the disc:

As Haunted PS1 has mentioned before, while it would be cool if this was an actual physical disc, this sadly isn’t the case. One is obviously cost, and two, these games are meant to “evoke the feeling and aesthetic of late 90s games”. As a bit of consolation, the team has put together a 28-page “manual” for the disc, which if you’re like me, you’ll be devouring while you wait for the download to finish.

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