Jessie James Decker Takes 2-Year-Old Son to Emergency Room Over “Freak” Bug Bite

Celebrity News, News

Jessie James Decker‘s son is one brave boy.

On Wednesday morning, the singer and Kittenish CEO took to Instagram and shared a photo of her growing two-year-old at the hospital.

“So the most freak thing happened. Forrest got a bug bite on his hiney and after a few days somehow it turned into a staph, which turned into a boil! It was like a golf ball,” she wrote to her followers. “It was so hard and he was in so much pain. He got a very high fever and we had to take him to the emergency room late night.”

Jessie continued, “Obviously with COVID, only I could go in with him. They had to sedate him and cut it open and get it all out. He handled it like a champ but it was so sad to see him in so much pain! I could not believe this happened. It was such a freak thing.”

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