Zack Snyder Confirms An Awesome Doomsday Easter Egg He Snuck Into Man Of Steel


Zack Snyder’s Man of Steel revelation comes to us from the watch party he did over on Vero. He regularly uses the social media to directly communicate with the fans, often teasing the contents of the mythical Snyder Cut of Justice League. That’s exactly what he did when doing a re-watch of Man of Steel, revealing that Doomsday was a character planned to appear in the DCEU since its inception.

Doomsday is a character that’s had a long tenure on the page. The evil being of destruction and rage goes back to prehistoric times on Krypton, where the living weapon was called “The Ultimate.” Its destructive powers were proven early on, as he even damaged one of Krypton’s moons. If you look closely during the opening sequence of Man of Steel, you can see said moon in the top right corner of the frame– including some visible damage.

Zack Snyder knew he couldn’t introduce Doomsday in Man of Steel, but hoped that more movies would follow the Superman origin story, allowing him to further expand the franchise. That’s exactly what came to pass, with Batman v Superman bringing in the likes of Doomsday and Wonder Woman for one final epic battle. 

As a reminder you can check out the opening scene from Man of Steel, and look out for the damaged Kyrptonian moon, courtesy of Doomsday.

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