Hawaii Five-0 Season 10 Episode 16 Review: He kauwa ke kanaka na ke aloha (Man is a slave of love)

Hawaii Five-0, Reviews, Television

Well, that was one screwed-up Valentine’s Day.

Several strange love stories played out on Hawaii Five-0 Season 10 Episode 16.

Danny was still struggling over the love of his life being snatched away in just one day on Hawaii FIve-0 Season 10 Episode 14.

That’s Danny’s luck for you. He can’t make it work with his ex, he can’t make it work with someone new.

Add me to the list of viewers wondering why more of an effort hasn’t been made to find the distracted driver who contributed to the unnecessary death of Danny’s soulmate.

The only residual we now have from that storyline is “Danny’s sad.”

Since Danny’s likely to disappear soon for an episode, even that slight thread won’t stick around.

Anyway, since the world doesn’t make sense anymore for Danny, the least he can do is attempt to save this abused, naive woman from herself (and a murder charge and a long stay in a Thai prison).

Admirable goals, those.

Since Danny is the only former beat cop of the bunch, he was the best choice to speak authoritatively about domestic abuse. Steve was smart just to follow his lead in this case.

Unfortunately, Lorena was her own worst enemy, destroying evidence to protect her doctor/lover.

All Lorena learned was how little she knew about her husband. Not only did he have a checked diplomatic history but also he had stripped away her U.S. citizenship with forged documentation, further isolating her.

Danny handled Lorena well, letting her know that he believed she was innocent then trying to figure out why she would possibly admit to a murder that she didn’t commit.

Making matters worse, the U.S. government was more concerned about diplomatic relations with Thailand than Lorena’s actual guilt or innocence.

What a great idea smuggling out Lorena in a truck to give Five-0 more time to prove her innocence. Still, it was frightening how quickly the diplomats tracked them down at Kamekona’s secret safe house.

The actual murderer really had to do his homework to find the diplomat and kill him at a time when Lorena wasn’t around, since it seemed like she didn’t get out all that much.

It was amusing to watch Steve and Danny shame the U.S. and Thai diplomats into letting Lorena go free and stay in the country after they uncovered the real killer, who sadly was also a victim of Lorena’s husband.

Working to prove a woman innocent certainly beats being held hostage by a pair of inept but desperate robbers, as Tani and Noelani could testify.

You have to feel badly for Tani.

It was Valentine’s Day but she was hanging out with Noelani, largely because her relationship with Junior got thrown into limbo since Beulah Koale got a chance to shoot a movie during the Five-0 season. (Junior returns next episode.)

It was refreshing to see Noelani on her own show instead of Magnum P.I., where she has been getting more airtime lately.

What did we learn? Noelani is a doctor, not a fighter. No big surprise there.

Tani was just the opposite, ready to fight, especially if you get between her and her consolation chocolates.

At first, Bonnie and Clyde just appeared to be druggies looking to make some quick cash.

As Tani noted, they were rank amateurs, in no way equipped to deal with all those police outside the store.

They became more sympathetic characters after Clyde went down with a seizure and Bonnie revealed they were robbing the store to raise money for his much-needed medicine.

Noelani was a heroic figure, going out to get medical supplies then returning to treat Clyde the best she could under the circumstances. Fortunately, credibility wasn’t strained by her attempting neurosurgery.

Tani played her part as well, working to keep the stressed Bonnie and her two guns calm since she wouldn’t talk to the police negotiator.

She also convinced the pair to surrender, since as prisoners he could get the specialized treatment which he needed.

Adam really put himself in a tenuous positon on Hawaii Five-0 Season 10 Episode 15.

He’s got his Five-0 teammates looking at him strangely because of who he handled Siobhan’s abduction. He did get her free but things could have gone bad very quickly.

Lou especially was having a tough time taking an all’s-well-that-ends-well approach.

He’s also got Kenji, never his biggest fan, mad to him for trading Kenji’s godson Endo for Siobhan. Kenji’s largest concern is that Adam, the rightful heir to Kenji’s position, will keep inserting himself in Kenji’s business.

If Adam has some master plan, it certainly hasn’t been made evident yet.

The best thing Adam could do, and what he appears to be doing, is to settle back into his usual role of the third wheel at a crime scene. Don’t do anything to stand out.

It was a sweet scene at the end when McGarrett and Brooke called off their date to hold a screening of “Love Actually,” mainly so Danny and the other singles wouldn’t be by themselves on Valentine’s Day.

It appears that Steve and Brooke are more of an item than had been indicated, keeping things on the DL so they don’t have to listen to Danny gloat. Because you know he would.

To revisit Steve’s love life (such as it is), watch Hawaii Five-0 online.

Who had the worst Valentine’s Day?

How long will Danny be in a funk?

Think Tani and Junior can get back on track soon?

Comment below.

Dale McGarrigle is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow him on Twitter.

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