Resident Evil

Resident Evil Village. (Capcom) Now that Resident Evil Village has been released, the world can finally experience in full the icon that is Lady Dimitrescu. The big tall vampire lady, as she’s colloquially known, has spearheaded the game’s promotion and sets the campy gothic tone for the rest of the game. That’s along with her
Update: Screen Gems and Constantin’s Resident Evil: Welcome to Racoon City is going to Wednesday Nov. 24, leaving its Labor Day weekend release. The move comes after Disney plopped Marvel’s Shang-Chi and the Legend of Ten Rings on Labor Day weekend this year — which is unbelievable given how the box office truly ratchets down over that weekend (unless
Editors’ Note: With full acknowledgment of the big-picture implications of a pandemic that has already claimed thousands of lives, cratered global economies and closed international borders, Deadline’s Coping With COVID-19 Crisis series is a forum for those in the entertainment space grappling with myriad consequences of seeing a great industry screech to a halt. The